Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What the class wants to learn

The list is below and is very interesting. I think we will hit most of it. The blog can help with the more specific ones. For instance, someone wants to learn food security and the economy--there is a lot of good information on this all over the place. I hope we blog about it over the quarter. Look at the list. Any additions? Thoughts about the list?

How our economy works

To understand current situation

Understand well enough to further my studies in my own major

Understand theoretical economic principles

Understand terms associated with economics

Learn determinates of inflation, deflation, supply and demand

Learn about different economic systems, not just capitalism (particularly socialism)

Basic principles of economics and how to better predict future trends

How principles work in real world

Gain knowledge about economics to relate it to real world experiences

Become informed about things around us that have direct impacts on our lives

Learn about the hows and whys of markts and economies

Basic economics and why some recessions are seen as worse than others

Get the best understanding possible of the way the country is conducted economically

Relationship between supply and demand

Basic understanding of concepts

What mistakes were made in Michigan and why our economy is in such bad shape

How to use basic concepts in daily life

How the global market affects our economy’s vulnerability to other countries economic policies

How economics links to food security

Farm bill in America and its impact on rural economies

The EU and the impact on economies of Eastern European countries

Politics in economics

Current events about economies

Learn some of the math elements in economics

Voodoo economics

Make intelligent decisions and statements concerning economics

How and why the economy is the way it is now

Everything needed for the next economics class

Be able to back up my beliefs with facts

Be able to understand economic vernacular

Understand how economic models take into account the unusual human basic characteristics and psychology in macroeconomics models

I would like to learn the basic structure and working of the stock market

Prep for a possible major in Economics

Phillips curve and supply and demand

Understand everything in the Economist

Tradeoffs that everyday people make between priorities, necessities, and pleasures

Trends and their impacts

Solid basis for understanding current economic events

How we got into the current economic mess

How economic theory has changed over time

Why nations are allowed to put themselves into such debt and how countries can function with so much debt

How the national debt affects a country’s capacity to be efficient

Fluency in the jargon


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This list is all over the map which is to be expected but "Voodoo economics" really spiked my curiosity. Is it kinda of pseudo economic idea or something of that nature? Everything else is pretty straight forward but Voodoo economics sounds bizarre.

  3. George H.W. Bush referred to Reagan's economic policies as "Voodoo Economics." However, I think the person who wrote Voodoo Economics was referencing Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
