Sunday, January 31, 2010


Even though we are in a recession some are still prevailing and doing very well for themselves. One of those people is at no shock Bill Gates. With the vast amount of money Gates as acquired over the years with his business techniques and technology development one can only imagine what he would do with that money. Gates and his wife, Melinda, decided to donate $10 million to develop vaccines in the poorest nations of the world. It may be alot easier for a multi billionaire to make this donation, but I feel that as we struggle economically more and more people forget to give. They focus more on themselves and making sure they don't lose their money instead of thinking about someone who may not be able to eat tonight. As companies downsize, worry about their stock, and focus on the all mighty dollar they ignore those in need. I think this is a huge step in setting an example for other companies and others in a position to give back. Hopefully everyone can follow suit the best they can.


  1. Generosity is underrated. Taking the focus off of yourself is sometimes the best way to ensure your own well being. Economically, in theory and in practice the notion of giving seems too foreign.(E)

  2. I agree, during times of crisis people often tend to focus on number 1, themselves. This always leaves people who are in worse situations to struggle and receive no aid from others.

  3. I've always admired Bill and Melinda Gates for their seemingly endless generosity. It seems like every day they're starting up some new vaccine fund or scholarships.
    And really, how could he have a decent explanation for not doing it?

  4. Sometimes i wish that these gigantic donations would for once go to help our nation first, its selfish and may cause hurt else where by those who depend on our gerosity, but theres people starving in the united states theres people without jobs here, people who find themselves as a grand antithesis to our nations grandeur...i dont like this...

  5. I agree that in times of crisis, we as a country, find ourselves being selfish. We tend to focus on ourselves and our well-being, which is not even close to the problems that others may be facing. We worry about buying name brand or generic brand, while people in other countries worry about eating period. We as a country need to take a second to think about others. I know it is a lot easier for this to happen if you are a person like Bill Gates who can give a large amount of money and not be effected, but the amount really doesn't matter as long as an effort is put forth.

  6. Its so easy to totally blow off opportnities to give either money or time. Especially during economc times like these. Donatig is probably one of the first things that gets cut back on when times get tough. But, I can't say I can blame people, we all have to make a living and it wouldn't make much sense to give away money that you need in order to keep food on table. A

  7. This is quite impressive. Comparing with people who are struggling for food everyday, we live a way much better life. It doesn't matter what we donate. Since not everyone is as wealthy as Bill Gates, just make the best effort to help those in need.

  8. This is no surprise to me, as Bill Gates has always been a very generous person, especially to poor African countries. Unfortunately, I believe the tough times we are in has caused many people to be less generous. You take a look at it though, donating money to a good cause, such as to a Haiti relief fund, maybe takes money out of your pocket, but it goes to people that don't even have that pocket to reach in to. Sometimes being a good person goes beyond economics. Yes, the economical thing to do in these tough times would be to cut back, but to some people, giving to some that have nothing outweighs anything else. (A, E)

  9. In my honest opinion the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is one of the very few large-scale donation foundations that appears to be heart-felt and searching for more than a tax deduction. They help to raise so much money and give away so much of their own money to help people all around the world. Sure Bill Gates lives in the lap of luxury, but he helps to raise billions of dollars every year for people in need, so I think he deserves it.
