Saturday, January 30, 2010

Gates' foundation pleges $10 billion for vaccines

Instead of the normal "the economy is failing" talk, I found a very uplifting story. USA Today states that the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation will be donating $10 billion over the next decade to research new vaccines and help bring them to poorer countries.

"We must make this the decade of vaccines," Bill Gates said in a statement. "Vaccines already save and improve millions of lives in developing countries. Innovation will make it possible to save more children than ever before."
This more than doubles the previous amount of money ($4.5 billion) this foundation gave for researching vaccine. Reading Gates' comments, do you feel that over the next decade, medical research for vaccines will improve dramatically? I feel that this was a ver important thing to write about, because of the fact that research for vaccination will improve dramatically. It is good to see someone who is filthy rich, do something awfully nice for the world.


  1. I agree that it is always a good thing to see the wealthy giving back to the world. Gates has been giving away billions of dollars each year to charities and other organizations for quite some time now and i hope that he continues to do sobecause his contributions really have a chance to help out a lot of people. It would be great to see other wealthy individuals join in to help those less fornunate and it appears that some have already begun doing just this. For example Warren Buffet, who was the worlds richest man, gave 30 Billion dollars to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation a few years back.

  2. Personally I have always admired the Gates family for their impressive aid to the community. This is not the first time that the Gates family donates money to such an organization. With these kind of donations the organization will be able to improve their research which at the end will end up benefiting many people. (E.A)

  3. That's really impressive. It makes a lot of sense. Whats the point of keeping money locked away in a bank when millions of people are dying and could be saved if this money was used as aid? I agree with Dulce and Preston, more people need to join in this venture and help make life better for the less fortunate.

  4. I feel that this is fantastic that Bill Gates is willing to share his wealth with others in need. Every year or two I read something like this and think its great that there are some people with power that are not as corrupt as others. This should have a major influx on the world vaccine industry and should help a lot of people.

  5. I think that it is fabulous when the filthy rich act in such a generous way. Hopefully this will help greatly increase research into vaccines.

  6. I always bash the ultra rich. I've always shuddered whenever I think of ridiculously expensive luxury items. Who the hell needs to spend more than $100,000 on a watch? 100K is my personal limit, I refuse to go any higher. Still, it makes me happy to see those who have give to those who don't.

  7. Stuff like this needs to happen more often. It's great when people donate to research like this, and it's also great when people donate to disaster relief funds, like the recent Haiti relief fund. One thing I don't understand, however, is why is it only when disaster strikes do people of average income (average on a US standard) reach out to help? Countries like Somalia, Yemen, and Ethiopia need help ALL THE TIME.

    I'm glad you posted this article. The Gates' family is often an example of giving without being prompted.

    A, E

  8. I agree, this is probably one of the better economic decisions that I've heard in a while. For the majority, the blogs have been about the affects of the recession on America. But it is good that Americans are doing things to help those in developing countries as well. It is important to not just focus on our problems because they can't even measure up to those of developing and under-developed nations.

  9. I agree that this is a very humbling story to read about. It is very rare to see someone of his caliber actually care the way he does. Bill Gates has been a consistent supplier of money to countless foundations around the world. I can only imagine what the world would be like if more millionares and billionares took the initiative to help change the world as Bill Gates is trying to do.

  10. This is a good news, better medication and updated vaccines are really in need in poorer areas, health is the most funddamental thing of all. Hopefully there will be more generous billionares like Gates.
