The Beautiful Game
Clearly I am a soccer fan because I keep posting things about the world cup, but I am just excited for this event to commence and I’m also excited about how much the World Cup will boost South Africa’s economy and possibly the countries surrounding it therefore helping the homeland my parents came from and that I have heard so much about. So there is some passion behind these posts coming from a big, African, soccer family. The four weeks of international football in South Africa have acted as a channel for a big range of major transportation projects that have been pushed back for years many times, like a new airport, five years earlier than previously expected and more roads. It’s all exciting news that the country is benefiting so much from this upcoming great football tournament. And the article below from BBC explains more about the benefits and some of the negative effects of the upcoming World Cup:
South Africa starts 100-day World Cup Countdown
The man in overall charge of Durban's World Cup preparations fell like a stone towards the manicured grass pitch inside the city's spectacular new stadium.
"Durban is absolutely ready," shouted Mike Sutcliffe, red-faced but grinning, seconds after an elastic bungee rope had broken his fall and left him swinging gently in the humid air.
A hundred days before the World Cup begins in South Africa, this cosmopolitan port city on the Indian Ocean is racing to complete an ambitious billion-pound refurbishment of local infrastructure that officials insist will be on time, on budget, and destined to reshape Durban for years to come.
"No white elephants," said Mr Sutcliffe, the city's manager, after his inaugural stadium jump.
"Unlike any other country that has hosted a World Cup, or an Olympics, ours has been developmentally oriented."
By now, he was standing on a viewing platform, reached by a small train, back at the very top of the giant white arch that loops over the $372m (£250m) stadium.
"We've made sure everything we're building here is something for beyond 2010. Sustainability is really our buzz word… and we have not taken out one loan as a city to pay for this investment," he said.
'World class'
Four weeks of international football have acted as a catalyst for a whole range of major infrastructure projects in Durban. Some, like the stadium, are more or less finished.
Others, like the new sea-front park will probably keep the bulldozers busy right up to the last minute.
Mr Sutcliffe, a well-connected member of the ruling party, the ANC, said the World Cup had enabled the city to get a new airport "probably five years early," and he listed a string of other benefits, including an upgraded road system, an overhaul of public transport, and extensive broadband cabling.
"The world will think differently about Durban," he said. "They'll say - my goodness, these are not just hicks from a developing country. They are world class."
Critics have suggested the huge new stadium will not be sustainable, particularly since the local rugby team, the Sharks, is reluctant to move from their own, more intimate grounds, just across the road.
A local sports reporter, Zayn Nabbi, broadened the complaint.
"We've got roads, we've got airports and that's a huge benefit, but those have been improved in affluent areas. Your areas outside the city centre are still left decrepit and derelict, and that's the sad reality," he said.
"Expectations are too high," said Simphiwe Ntshweni, from Durban's Youth Advisory Centre.
"This is a Fifa event. It will come and go. People are hoping the World Cup will bring real money into their pockets, but the person on the street will find it is not easy to realise those dreams. Come back after July and you'll see a lot of people have not made money.
"But if you see all the infrastructure that is here now, the roads and public works - those positive things outweigh the negatives."
Not plain sailing
Will ordinary South Africans benefit from the event?
Cruising off the coast in a sleek white motor boat called Bring it on, marketing executive Trevor Tshuma acknowledged that not every business was going to benefit from the World Cup.
"There will be quite a lot of disappointment, but that's to be expected - this is a first for Africa, and there's no yardstick to refer to so certainly there will be quite a lot of losers," he said.
Mr Tshuma works for a new accommodation management company called Teatro, which has expanded rapidly in the past year by offering tours, rooms, boats and other tourist facilities to visiting fans.
The accommodation industry has been wrestling with issues of over-pricing, accreditation, low tourist numbers and the dominant role of Fifa's official partner, MATCH Services, but Mr Tshuma said Teatro was "going to make a very nice profit and a good turnover".
"There were a lot of people who over-inflated room rates, but we're keeping it realistic."
More important, Mr Tshuma, stressed, was the long-term impact of the World Cup on Durban.
"A lot of people have the wrong perception. People talk about crime but it's often exaggerated," he said. "When people come and realise how safe it is and how affordable things are... it will definitely give a positive impact for tourism in the future."
All around the centre of Durban, workmen are noisily racing to complete (and in some cases it seems, just starting work on) fan zones, park and ride zones and other World Cup-related infrastructure projects.
Beside one particularly noisy building site, a group of traders selling football shirts and other goods from their stalls seemed uncertain about Fifa's marketing restrictions around the stadium, and less-than-convinced that June and July would do much for their businesses.
But serving the lunchtime takeaway crowd at her busy curry restaurant nearby, Priscilla Powell was adamant.
"There's been a lot of road works; they're getting the country ready and it's changing for the better; I think we'll sell to a lot of football fans," she said with a grin.
What I thought was cool about this article is South Africa's approach to invest in infrastructure before the World Cup and use the World Cup as a catalyst for improvement in the country. I also thought that it was amazing that the city had not taken out any loans to pay for this infrastructure and World Cup. This comes after hearing that the people of Vancouver will have to pay for the Olympics and buildings for years to come. It seems that South Africa has a formula for success, and they are realistic about profits to be made in regards to businesses and such. However, I fear that crime and accessibility will not make this as profitable as they think, seeing as though many tickets remain still available, according to A, T
ReplyDeleteThe World Cup will most definitely stimulate economic growth. The fiscal policies that are being implemented such as new roads, new buildings and other measures are bound to increase consumer spending (these consumers being tourism). This is good because the profit gain that takes place in South Africa will hopefully spill over into surrounding countries, specifically Zimbabwe who has had a huge inflation in monetary value. A
ReplyDeleteThe world cup is great for South Africa. Their country's economy should rise to a much better standard than before. I'm happy for them